VERDURE watches

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The perfect TimePiece Every Time
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inside VERDURE

WHERE TIME Is a luxury & every moment is treasured

Eddie Johnson Signature


At Verdure, we have a discriminating eye for beauty and aesthetics that produces the unique designs you see across all of our collections.


Our scrupulous attention to detail and mechanics is second to none. We are true craftsman and we live up to our name with every single watch we create.


Verdure watches are built to last and stand the test of time. Our timepieces are meant to be a symbol of legacy to be passed down from generation to generation.

With rigorous attention to detail and unwavering focus on precision and Longevity, our aim is to represent the absolute gold standard for luxury timepieces and, in the process, change the world of watches and invoke thought about time and the true luxury that it is...
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It's not just about timepieces. It's about time keeping.  It's about a way of life.

Made in Webflow